Workforce Training



Nga Vaka o Kāiga Tapu’s free worforce training programme builds the capability of Pacific family violence practitioners and service providers.  Our goal is to strengthen practitioner confidence, practice and provision of culturally safe support for ethnic-specific and Pacific families impacted by family violence.  

Integrating the importance Pacific peoples place on relational and spiritual arrangements into practice can enhance family and community engagement and access to services and supports.  Nga Vaka’s Training Programme is mandated by the Ministry of Social Development.

Practitioners must complete the online introductory programme before registering for the face-to-face workshops, however they only need to do the online programme once.  Afterwards they can choose to participate in one or more of the ethnic specific one-day face-to-face workshops.

Online Training

The online training must be completed before registering for the face-to-face workshops.

Face to Face Training

The in-house face-to-face workshops from the different ethnic specific programmes.