Welcome to Lalaga Fakatupuola Moui Niue
Ko e tau Takitaki Hiki, ha Nga Vaka O Kaina Tapu he tau maaga, kua fakaholo, mo e lali ke onoono ke he tupumaiaga, he tau mahani eke fakakelea, he tau maaga, he atu Pasifika. Ko e matakau pou malolo ne lagomatai e tau fakaholoaga nei, ko e The Cause Collective i Manukau, Okalana.
The Champions of Change is a Nga Vaka o Kāiga Tapu community movement aimed at addressing the root causes of family violence in Pacific communities. Our backbone organisation that supports these movements is The Cause Collective located in Manukau, Auckland.
Ulu moumou e tau mahani kua nakai lata mae tau magafaoa. Ko e tau mahani fakauaua mo e tau tau talahauaga, “toka ai pihia” ne fae lagoaki Kua onoono fakamahino a mautolu kehe tau atuhau mo e tau aga, tau mahani motu mo e tau lotomataIa tuai hane maona fakahaga e tau peehi aga.
Mailoga lahi e vihu mo e uka he tau magahala mai ine aho mua, pihia mo e ai nei foki. Ke fakatolomaki e tupuolaola he tau momoui he tau magafaoa Niue, ko e lalaga he tau puhala kua aoga mo e lata ke tupuaki mai e tau mitaki. To mauoka fua mo e olaola, ka gahua kaufakalataha.
Break the cycle of family harm and conflicting mindsets and accepted behaviours that enable it. Our solution targets intergenerational breakdowns of cultural values and loss of indigenous knowledge.
By acknowledging our difficult past and present, weaving a new way forward will better guide Niue families towards thriving well-being and cultural awareness. Together, we’ll build a stronger future.

Ha mautolu a tau manako lahi, ke kitia e fakafeiloaga, mo e tau maamaaga he tau atuhau Niue. Ke moua e mafanasia he agaaga, he maopoopo he tau mena kua lata, mo e aoga kehe tau momoui ha lautolu, tau magafaoa, mo e tau tagata Niue laulahi.
We want to see a more connected and informed Niue intergenerational community living lives with strengthened wellbeing by investing in what matters to them, their families and Niue collective communities.
Manako a mautolu ke lagamatai, ke tupuaki a Aotearoa ke feaki e Lalaga Fakatupuolamoui he tau Magafaoa Niue. Tau Aga, mo e tau mahani FakaNiue, kua mahuiga mo e vagahau Niue, ke taofi mae tau atuhau a mui.
We want to contribute to a thriving Aotearoa by nurturing our Fakatupuolamoui ke Magafaoa Niue values, culture, language to survive our generations to come.
Niue Champions of Change Launch
Community Insights / Stories

Niuean Elders Embrace Digital Age to Navigate Modern Life
In a small room within the Holy Trinity Church in Ōtāhuhu, a group of Niuean elders has started a new

Niue Christmas Message From Maliaga Erick
Kia Monuina e Kilisimasi mo e Tau Foou. Maliaga Erick, our Niue facilitator and Change Agent for Nga Vaka o