Cook Islands
Welcome to Taka'i'anga Nō Apōpō
Ko te au manamanata kia rave’ia, koia oki, ko te akakore’anga atu ite au tu ta-kinokino e iri nei ki runga ite Vaine, te ka riro ei ta-mamae ma te aka’takake’anga atu ia ratou, e pera katoa ki te aronga rave-kino e tumu Turanga Māori tikai to ratou. I roto i teia akatau’anga, e mea akaperepere’ia te Vaine i roto ite ngutuare, te kopu-tangata e pera katoa ki roto ite iti-tangata, kua tau rai i reira, kia akarongo’ia tona reo, kia kitea katoa’ia tona turanga tu-rangatira e kia akamatutu’ia no te arataki’anga ite ngutuare tangata.
The problem we are addressing is the stigmatisation and isolation of Women as victims and perpetrators who belong to a deeper sense of Turanga Māori Within this context, women are a treasure to our community and must be heard, valued, and empowered to take our families and community forward.
Na roto ite turanga taokotai e tona au akanoonoo’anga, te iti-tangata Kuki Airani e pera te ngutuare-tangata, noatu eaa te uki mataiti e to ratou turanga, kia toto’a katoa’ia teia karere ki te au matakeinanga, ite akakite’anga i teia reo tu-rangatira e tana i rauka ite rave. Ka anoano’ia kia utuutu’ia e kia turuturu’ia teia uki ou Kuki Airani e noo ki Aotearoa nei, kia taui i to ratou tu e ta ratou au peu.
Through intentional collective approach, our Cook Islands communities and families of all age groups and backgrounds, knowledge will be encouraged through location based, collective leadership of ‘our’ voice and positive outcomes. We intend to nurture and support all our Cook Islands generations through meaningful
behavioural change.
Te Tumu'anga - Our Why
Kia akapapu’ia, akakite’ia, e paruru’ia te turanga o te Vaine i roto te kopu-tangata e te iti-tangata e kia puavai ruperupe i Aotearoa nei.
We will ensure that the place of ‘women’ in our community and families is protected, valued and thrived in Aotearoa.
Kia akakore’ia te au tu ta-kinokino e rave’ia nei, uki e uki, e tae uatu ki te au peu inangaro-kore’ia e rave’ia nei ki runga ite Vaine. Kia aka’matutu’ia te turanga o te Vaine, kia rauka te turanga tau e te meitaki no te ora’anga, tana akaono’anga e te peu Māori, ta-marumaru’ia e te Ture. Kia rongo’ia tona reo ki mua ite iti-tangata.
We intend to break the intergenerational trauma and consequences of family harm that affects women by strengthening women’s self-care, wellbeing and culturally informed self-regulation, voice and visibility.
We want to see all our Cook Islands women, deeply connected, informed, and grounded in their Tūranga Māori through safety of space. We will empower them to actively break the cycles of vulnerability and the acceptance/
conduct of harm through relevant culturally appropriate approach.
Ka inangaro tatou ite kite i to tatou iti-vaine kia taokotai, ma te ruru ki te ngai okotai, kia aka’tumu’ia to ratou piri’anga ki roto i to ratou Tūranga Māori ma te pumaana, meitaki e te tiratira-tu. Na roto i tetai au taka’i’anga tau tei matau’ia ite ora’anga, kia aka’matutu’ia ratou, kia rauka ite aati ma te akakore atu ite au
ta-pekapeka’anga pia-manako ei paruru i teia kino.
Community Insights / Stories
Nga Vaka o Kāiga Tapu helps to communicate the protective factors in Pacific cultures which can help nurture families through strong relationships.

Being Grounded in Cook Islands Culture Doesn’t Mean Being Stagnant
Cook Islands born and raised John Kiria from the island of Aitutaki and Rakanga is no stranger to navigating pathways
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